Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 32, 4 February 2013

How is it already February? I can't believe that I have been here for a month already!

This weekend, we had our first group visit to Paris.  We arrived Friday evening and ate at a Lebanese restaurant in the Latin Quarter.  The food was amazing (I don't remember ever having tried Lebanese food before, but I would highly recommend it).

On Saturday, we got up and wandered to Notre Dame and Sainte Chapelle, one of my favorite places in Paris.  The windows are spectacular!  Before lunch, we walked to Shakespeare and Company, the English bookstore that has become quite the destination for English-speaking visitors.  We ate lunch around Notre Dame before heading to the Opera Garnier to see a ballet.  The ballet was a modern Japanese ballet.  I had never seen anything like it, but I enjoyed it, especially the group dances.  Also, the opera house is absolutely beautiful.  Note the pictures below.  On Saturday evening, we walked back to the Latin Quarter to eat in a restaurant that is in the building where Hemingway lived.  It was another delicious meal...

On Sunday, we woke up and walked through the Luxembourg Gardens.  We then took the metro to Montmartre and saw Sacre Coeur and wandered around.  On Sunday afternoon, I took the metro back to St. Sulpice and visited the church.  On my way back to the hotel, I walked along the Boulevard St. Germain to see the Pantheon, where many important French figures including Voltaire, Marie and Pierre Curie, and Victor Hugo are buried.  It was a fabulous weekend! Here are the pictures.

 At the Opera Garnier.
 The beautiful windows of Sainte Chapelle.
 Here we are in front of Notre Dame.
 One of my favorite French authors.
 The view from Montmartre.
La Tour Eiffel.

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