Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 45, 17 February 2013

What a wonderful week!

After a week full of delicious dinners (including a spectacular dinner with my host family and my program director), Valentine's Day flowers (thank you; you know who you are!), and lively conversation at school, I wasn't sure that the week could get better.  Then I got to Paris on Friday evening and met my mother and the mother of a dear friend, who for all intents and purposes is my second mother. We had a relaxing, fun weekend together, catching up about all of the goings on and picking up right where we left off.

On Saturday morning, we had the chance to go to the Paris flea market.  What an adventure! For someone who loves thinking about the stories behind antiques, china, beautiful old jewelry, and vintage clothes, I had a blast wandering through the market and looking at everything.  We took a break for a delicious lunch, and then mom and I came back into Paris proper.  We wandered through Le Bon Marché (a beautiful department store in Paris) and then back up the Boulevard St. Germain.  We decided to go into St. Germain des Près, one of the oldest churches in Paris, and as we were entering, the organist started practicing.  What perfect timing! After sitting for a while and listening to the music, we walked back through Paris to get to dinner, a duck restaurant.  Perhaps I mention how delicious the food is, but it really is true.  I love how everyone here cares how certain flavors work together and what the perfect spice is for a certain dish.  But, I digress.

This morning, we got up late and took a leisurely walk down the Rue Cler.  Before lunch, mom and I walked to the Eiffel Tower and took pictures (see below).  After lunch, we had to say goodbye because we both had trains to catch, but it was a wonderful weekend!
Here we are on the Rue Cler in front of the flowers in the market.
 One of my wonderful second mothers!
In front of the Eiffel Tower.

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