Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 24, 27 January 2013

We had another fun weekend of visiting chateaux of the Loire.  Yesterday included Cheverny and Chambord.  Chambord was built by Francis I, but he only spent 72 days there.  Henry II and Louis XIV actually finished it and used it.

When we woke up yesterday, snow had covered the ground again, but the snow made Cheverny yesterday morning even more beautiful.  After lunch we made our way to Chambord and then home.

Another highlight of the day was lunch in Blois.  On our way back to the bus, we found a beautiful chocolate store and each bought a piece of chocolate for dessert.  My raspberry flavored dark chocolate truffle was perfect! And now for the pictures...

The library at Cheverny.
 Cheverny in the snow.  Does this remind anyone of the scene in Pride and Prejudice in which Netherfield is covered in snow?
 Here we are at Cheverny.  This may be the first picture we have of all of us in one place!
 Chambord in all of its glory.
Here I am on a balcony at Chambord. After the snow, the sun came out!
The chapel at Chambord.

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