Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 66, 10 March 2013

Un mélange de français et d'allemand- c'est Strasbourg!

Yes, this weekend we went to Strasbourg. What an interesting and charming city, and what a fun weekend.

We arrived Friday and decided that the perfect way to end the day after a long train ride was with some sort of dessert.  Nothing was open near us but Macdonald's, so you guessed it, we indulged in McFlurries.  I don't think I have had a McFlrurry in 10 years, but it certainly was good!

Saturday, we woke up and wandered through Strasbourg to the cathedral.  We then visited the Institutions Européennes (all of the buildings of the European Union).  After lots of beautiful pictures, we made our way back into Strasbourg to Petite France, where we found a Christmas shop (Strasbourg is known for having spectacular Christmas markets, and this store happens to be open all year).  Lunch was outside in the beautiful warm weather! After lunch, we decided that because we were so close to Germany, we should walk across the bridge and explore Germany.  After a nice excursion, we returned to Strasbourg for a traditional Flam dinner (tarts in the Alsace style; think very thin crust pizza with a light layer of cheese and in my case smoked salmon and tomatoes).

This morning, after a church service in German at a Lutheran church in Strasbourg, we returned home. See the pictures below.

 La Petite France.
 La Place Kleber.
 Stained glass windows in the Cathedral.
 Here we are in front of the Parliament building of the EU.
 The bridge into Germany.
 Switching languages...
Walking through Germany.

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