Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 80, 24 March 2013

Beautiful (sunny and warm) weather, delicious food and wine, and a lovely weekend of walking? Welcome to Bordeaux!

We arrived in Bordeaux on Friday, and it was rainy and gray.  We were a little worried, but the rest of the weekend was absolutely beautiful.  On Saturday, we drove to Chateau Fonplegade, where we had a tour of the chateau and wine production facilities and a wine tasting.  We then continued to St. Emilion, a small village with underground monolithic catacombs and a lovely bell tower.  After a delicious lunch, we wandered around and found macaroons in a cute French bakery.  Back in Bordeaux, we walked along the river bank and through the city just until dinner.  I talk about food a lot, I know, but it's just so good.  Dinner for the evening: magret de canard avec des frites et des champignons, et moelleux de chocolat pour le dessert.  C'était magnifique! (Woops, French all of a sudden took over; that's duck breast with frites and mushrooms with a spongy dark chocolate cake for dessert).

Sunday morning, we woke up and headed to the office of tourism, where we joined a walking tour of Bordeaux.  After the tour, we grabbed lunch and headed to the Aquitaine Museum, which gives an overview of the history of Bordeaux since prehistoric times.  All in all, it was a fabulous weekend!

 Such a beautiful day.
 Here we are in St. Emilion.
 Chateau Fonplegade.
 The bakery with the delicious macaroons.
 Le Monument aux Girondins in Bordeaux.
 Such a beautiful view.
 On a bridge in the public gardens.
La Cathédrale St-André.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 66, 10 March 2013

Un mélange de français et d'allemand- c'est Strasbourg!

Yes, this weekend we went to Strasbourg. What an interesting and charming city, and what a fun weekend.

We arrived Friday and decided that the perfect way to end the day after a long train ride was with some sort of dessert.  Nothing was open near us but Macdonald's, so you guessed it, we indulged in McFlurries.  I don't think I have had a McFlrurry in 10 years, but it certainly was good!

Saturday, we woke up and wandered through Strasbourg to the cathedral.  We then visited the Institutions Européennes (all of the buildings of the European Union).  After lots of beautiful pictures, we made our way back into Strasbourg to Petite France, where we found a Christmas shop (Strasbourg is known for having spectacular Christmas markets, and this store happens to be open all year).  Lunch was outside in the beautiful warm weather! After lunch, we decided that because we were so close to Germany, we should walk across the bridge and explore Germany.  After a nice excursion, we returned to Strasbourg for a traditional Flam dinner (tarts in the Alsace style; think very thin crust pizza with a light layer of cheese and in my case smoked salmon and tomatoes).

This morning, after a church service in German at a Lutheran church in Strasbourg, we returned home. See the pictures below.

 La Petite France.
 La Place Kleber.
 Stained glass windows in the Cathedral.
 Here we are in front of the Parliament building of the EU.
 The bridge into Germany.
 Switching languages...
Walking through Germany.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 59, 3 March 2013

Another exciting weekend! On Friday afternoon, we went to the movies to see Weekend Royal (Hyde Park on Hudson).  It was a relaxing way to end the week and a good time with friends.

Yesterday, we visited more chateaux, Amboise and Blois.  Both were fun to see despite the wind and cold.  For lunch, we were all craving burgers, so we found a restaurant that served traditional American burgers.  See the pictures below of the chateaux!
 Can you spot the problem with the horse at Blois?
The chapel at Amboise.