Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 24, 27 January 2013

We had another fun weekend of visiting chateaux of the Loire.  Yesterday included Cheverny and Chambord.  Chambord was built by Francis I, but he only spent 72 days there.  Henry II and Louis XIV actually finished it and used it.

When we woke up yesterday, snow had covered the ground again, but the snow made Cheverny yesterday morning even more beautiful.  After lunch we made our way to Chambord and then home.

Another highlight of the day was lunch in Blois.  On our way back to the bus, we found a beautiful chocolate store and each bought a piece of chocolate for dessert.  My raspberry flavored dark chocolate truffle was perfect! And now for the pictures...

The library at Cheverny.
 Cheverny in the snow.  Does this remind anyone of the scene in Pride and Prejudice in which Netherfield is covered in snow?
 Here we are at Cheverny.  This may be the first picture we have of all of us in one place!
 Chambord in all of its glory.
Here I am on a balcony at Chambord. After the snow, the sun came out!
The chapel at Chambord.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 17, 20 January 2013

It snowed today! For someone who does not see a lot of snow, it was a very exciting day.

Yesterday, we went to Chenonceau, the chateau where Catherine de' Medici and Diane de Poitiers lived.  Needless to say, it was absolutely beautiful.  When we arrived, there was ice on the ground, so we were pleased to discover the fireplace with a roaring fire inside the chateau.

This morning when I woke up, I did not expect to see the street covered in snow.  This afternoon, we met up for tea and Scrabble at our professor's house, and I returned home to a delicious dinner that finished with a piece of chocolate with melted chocolate in the inside.  It was delightful.  Here are the pictures for the weekend:

 In front of Chenonceau.  
 I had a Cinderella moment.  In my own little corner, in my own little chair...
 The gallery in Chenonceau.  Doesn't it look like there should be a ball going on?
 The beautiful chapel at Chenonceau.
Snow in the garden!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 10, 13 January 2013

What a weekend! Yesterday afternoon we walked through the flower market on our way to a professor's house to eat galettes, cakes that are traditionally eaten on Epiphany but are sold throughout the month of January.  After that, we went to the movie theater to purchase student cards (movie tickets are 3,90 euros with a student card!) and saw a new French film, Populaire.  If you are at all interested in vintage 50s clothing, beautiful movie scores, or Romain Duris, this film is for you.  This morning, we woke up early and headed to Chinon, the fortress where Joan of Arc convinced the dauphin to give her an army to liberate France from England.  Despite the cold and the fog, we managed to find our way to the fortress and had a very successful adventure.
 Poster of Joan of Arc used as an inspiration for women during World War I.
From the tower at the fortress.
The flower market!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 8, 11 January 2013

After one week of school, I am starting to develop a weekly routine.  I am in class for most of the day and then return home for dinner.  In the afternoons between classes or on my way home, I enjoy walking through the streets, looking in shop windows, and having coffee with friends.  It has been cloudy for the past few days, but today it was sunny! That made everyone happy, and this afternoon, we walked through a beautiful garden not too far from school.
 The street where the market is held on Saturdays.
A swan from the pond in the garden.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 5, 8 January 2013

After a few days, I am finally settled in!  My first day of class was yesterday, and I am enjoying taking all of my classes in French.  It takes me about 20 minutes to walk to class from my house, but I meet a friend halfway.  Currently, I am taking intensive language classes in the morning, and I am still deciding what else I will take in the afternoons.  Pictures of the day include the cathedral and a picture of the exterior of the building where I attend class.  A demain!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 3, 6 January 2013

Bonjour from France! I arrived in France yesterday morning and then drove to where I will be living for the semester.  I got settled in and woke up this morning to meet with the rest of the group. We had lunch at a crêperie known for its decorations.  Each room is a different color and is decorated differently.  The music from the 60s including the Beatles made it even more interesting! After lunch we wandered around and found where we will be studying.  Here are some pictures from the day.
 The crêperie where we ate lunch.
City Hall--note that there are still Christmas trees!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 1, 4 January 2013

Bonjour! I'm embarking on an adventure to study abroad in France.  I leave tonight and arrive in Paris in the morning.  I will update this periodically with tales of my travels and adventures.  Here's to a wonderful semester in France!